
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Blog in English!!

My friend G’s blog was back and everybody decided to open a blog and write something. It reminded me that I have got a blog too. However, it is not updated for a long time due to my extremely busy and hardworking study life in the past two and a half years. The output in the form of an article in my blog has almost dropped to zero. The only thing keeping the blog alive is the photos uploaded. After this painful period, I’ve finally obtained my bachelor degree. I am very glad that I can tick the box in relation to the level of education qualification on whatever application forms and questionnaires. However, at the same time, I am also sorry to realise that my English isn’t good enough for my next goalstudy of the Master level. So I have applied an English grammar course to improve my English but the course finally cannot be offered due to low enrolment. Despite the fact that this situation cannot put out my desire for study, I decided to improve my English by self-study, and the first step is using English in my blog!!

Today let me officially announce that my blog will be reborn againbut in English…sometimes.

一向生性懶惰, 一些令自己辛勞的事情都不會去幹. 但可能因為年紀漸長, 好多之前未試過的事情都突然想試 (哈! 最近真的試了很多新東西). 加上之前完成了一個超濃縮的學位課程, 自覺自己的「完成能力」增加. 鼓起勇氣, 以報名參加10Km跑來逼使自己去完成這一個目標. 今日是我的第三課運動場練跑, 從4圈, 5圈至今日的7圈都需要無比的意志去完成 (有一點誇大). 由每次出門口之前心靈極之的掙扎, 至身體在龜速前進時極度的痛苦. 不過, 看到自己的點點進步, 這些又不算是甚麼. 在過程之中辛苦的時候, 我的人肉內置Ipod便會響起COLDPLAY的Viva La Vida. 身體跟著節奏跑呀跑呀跑. 再辛苦D呢, 我就把雙腿交給上帝, 輪流交替, 7圈就是在這情況下完成. 完成了就當然會沾沾自喜啦, 但開心不多久便猛然醒覺10Km共要走25圈, 即是我仍然要多跑18個圈……暈!

1. 減肥收肚 - 開始有效, body個shape出返嚟!
2. 對抗另一些壞習慣 - 埋單那天先知輸贏!
3. 陪老婆 - 拍拖節目!
4. D FRIEND一齊玩 - 湊熱鬧!

最最後大家一齊聽下Viva La Vida 啦!